Federal Government presents investment plan in infrastructure and energy sectors for the reactivation of the economy
This Monday, October 5th, 2020, the Federal Government presented an investment plan for the reactivation of the economy, in collaboration with the private sector, contemplating a total of 39 (thirty nine) projects in infrastructure and energy sectors, of which 7 (seven) are already being executed while the remaining 32 (thirty two) projects are estimated to be implemented during 2020’s last quarter and throughout 2021.
This announcement was received with positivity by COPARMEX. All these projects will be financed by private entities.
It is expected that this list will grow in the coming weeks, when new projects should be announced.
Of the projects included within the investment plan yet to be implemented, there are 20 (twenty) projects in the roads sector, 5 (five) projects in the energy sector, 2 (two) projects regarding port infrastructure, 3 (three) projects in the railway sector and 2 (two) projects in the environment and water sectors.
For further information, please refer to the project summary below, which contains projects yet to be implemented that are contained within the investment plan:
Our firm counts with extensive experience in the preparation of proposals for all kinds of public tenders, as well as in contracts and partnerships with CFE, PEMEX and private entities.
Should you require additional information on these projects, or specific advice regarding a specific case, please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of our Infrastructure & Energy practice team.
Alejandro Ripoll González
Lupita Esparza Sánchez
Diego Álvarez Ampudia